I am honestly conflicted because a lot of humanities doesn’t work that in depth online, but I would say yes to humanities students learn coding. Although coding can be difficult or hard to understand, it would be well worth the price learning. Many fields of humanities work online or have to present learnings, work, or research. To present findings on research or having to constantly work online, it would be helpful to learn how to code your own website in order to make access easier to others or easier to organize for yourself. They also allow students to be able to sort through some problems as computers “They embody their authors’ biases, blind spots, ideologies, prejudices, and opinions. That is not a liability but their great asset” (Kirschenbuam For) and this helps to sort out what they believe and what is fact to be able to combine them, if a student wants, or spereate them for a better project or paper.

My coding experience started as a struggle. It was hard to understand why we needed it and how to even begin. However, with some questions and a little one on one with my group members and teacher I quickly began to figure out how to sort through how to code and now I can fully understand the current directions and have begun to really get into changing things on a webpage. Some are more complicated and it is longer, but now I feel like my coding process is doing well, with a few exceptions, but overall I feel more confident and less confused than what I went into it.



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