Project Proposal

I am changing my topic slightly

I am studying Ancient Roman Empire to discover how the Romans continue to influence the United States today,

Which ways has the Roman Empire’s influence affected todays worlds thinking about different subjects, freedoms, and laws?


I first began to research what the Empire had in common with todays world, focusing mainly on the United States. After that I began to look for what laws the Empire had and compared them to the United States constitution to see what similarities there were. The one thing that stood out to me was that because the Roman Empire was so large, like Egypt was, many countries and cities wish to represent them. I know quite a bit about the Empires, but I am not shocked how little I truly know as the history of Rome extends hundreds of years. Some questions I still have is why and how did the government deal with people who rebelled against the laws they created that many thought were fair and how did this help or hinder the development of ideas.

            Some of the databases I have gotten for citations are from personal letters discovered from people during Roman times discussing the different cultures represented within the Empire and I have a couple from the Library of Congress detailing some of the similarities that the Constitution has to the Empire. I also learned a lot about how these new freedoms and why they were tolerated during the times. After learning new information, I am changing which direction I want to go with my project. I originally wanted to go with talking about how their menus and restaurants were different from today, however after seeing what can be more important that people have inherited or copied from hundreds of years ago I have decided to talk about what is similar today in the United States and the World compared to the Ancient Empires. Primary sources were hard, but secondary were not that hard. As one of the laws in Rome like Freedom of Religion were easy to compare to the World today. Also the leadership of Roman times was easy to compare to today.

Project Outline


Introduction—Ancient Empires. Why are they so important and popular that countries copy and model themselves after them? Or, at the very least, have architecture, statues, or monuments that represent them? Well, they were the biggest world powers to exist. So much so that every country needs something to say they are/were a part of it to show how powerful they were. (I’m Going to change parts of this.) 

Ancient Roman Empire – What is it, why compare it, what is so important, why do countries copy Rome or any 

(Legacy, what it represents, how come it’s still talked about, what are some things people take from it)

Representation is similar to Rome, the biggest empire ever to exist, and the US has historically been the “Watch Dogs” and the highest power in the world.

The United States – What is the US, and why compare it to Rome?

(Was first established in… How it was created… Its power in the world, what it represents)

Government – compare/contrast the aspects of the US government to the Government of Rome. – have pics of the constitution, stone tablet with the Roman Law (Roman Museum)

(Rome was all about divine gods; gods blessed emperors, believed oracles by the god Apollo showed them what to do. The USA has freedom of religion, separation of power (Rome Emperor did everything), and Congress to discuss new laws. Both had…) (In the People We trust — to  —- In God We Trust)(Lots of Assination in Rome)(Roman Republic we are closer to than the Empire itself)

Economy/Trade – How good are both economies? Why talk about the economy and trade? – address questions

(Started with Slave labor/trade, lots of imports, 

Artictechture* – It would be good to include!! Rome was the first to use public sanitation and pipe systems, which only improved over time, and it can show how far it’s been improved in today’s world.

Peoples Rights* – How citizens are treated differently in different times.

Notes: Social structure and social media talk about the Roman Empire (intro, tweets, Instagram, etc), and how the Roman Empire is part of historic Egyptian architecture. Into Roman showing power in the world,