I chose the National Museum of Natural History with the spring exhibit called the Live Butterfly Exhibit. The curators are Helen F. James, Hans-Dieter Sues, Kirk Johnson, and Paul Micheal Taylor. This exbihit only is accessable during the spring where the museum brings in a ton of live butterflies in a special area.

When entering the exhibit along the outer wall there are information about different butterflies, the dangers and foes that threaten the safety of butterflies, and towards the ticket holders some interactive guessing games for younger audiences. There is a dome on the right side of the room where it houses the many plants, walkways, and the butterflies. This allows the people to look at what is concerning for habitats before purchasing and getting in line to view inside the dome. It was really well laid out except the space was so crowded due to many people wanting to purchase tickets, though the specific time slot you were assigned was done well to keep people moving along.

There were several interactives mostly for the younger kids to have fun while learning with thier parents, but there were no QR codes or other technology that helped the exhibits. Even the website online was just information about where to find the exhibit, how much it costs, the hours open, and a few images/information about what you would and could find.

Based upon the information and allowing people to view the butterflies in a habitat up close, the curators wanted the people to know how important butterflies are and the threats against them are. Many people appreciate beauty so being able to get up close to rare butterflies that are considered beautiful would have people pay better attention to the declining habitat. It was different form other exhibits because of the live butterflies that you could visit. It was effective tactic as many people purchased tickets in order to get into the habitat. The audience was definitely everyone who came to the museum. Just like many other exhibits there was stuff to draw both adults and children to really get everyones attention and bring impact so they would pay attention.

With how long they were advertising and preparing this exhibition it was very well done. I loved seeing the banner down the main entrance to the museum to get peoples attention and the fact they were only charging 8$ per adult showed they knew the costs and were managing it well. The curators definitely planned the exhibition very well and achieved it desired effect. It was obvious that with a way to be with live butterflies more people came and paid more attention to what is going on throughout the world in terms of nature and allowed more awareness to be spread. I can say that it was more successful to other exhibits since people would rather walk around and enjoy live animals and creatures than looking at just bones or extinct animals et cetera.